In 2017, the Rapid & Blitz Tournament was organized for the first time in Heverlee.
The following two years this double chess tournament took place in Vilvoorde.
With an artistic wink to the late Ben De Cat, the chess event was renamed the
Rapid & Blitz Tournament "Bosgenot" in 2022 and the organization moved to Roeselare,
the West Flemish home base of Delcatto.
With the introduction of the Delcatto's Bosgenot Challenge Cup in 2023, Belgian Military Chess Club vzw is further strengthening its
tribute to Ben De Cat.

The chessboard of the trophy is a used item and symbolizes Ben's recycling vision.
Knuts, creative people who love to craft for charity, placed the chessboard on a pedestral.
Loyal partner ScreenExpres printed Ben's own Bosgenot creation professionally on a plate.
The wood department of WICO Campus Neerpelt took care of milling a berth for the printed artwork.
Sofie Camp, jack of all trades, provided the final touch to the challenge cup by engraving
Delcatto's Bosgenot.
The complete "Bosgenot" story was only possible thanks to the additional collaboration with the
Koninklijke Roeselaarse Schaakkring "De Torrewachters" and the City of Roeselare.