With pain in our heart we have to inform you that Ben De Cat passed away unexpectedly on April 21st 2020.
Ben has participated almost continuously in the NATO Chess Championship since 1986 and with a total of 28 participations, the International Military Chess Committee has to say goodbye to its recordholder.
Ben was 58 years old and had already indicated that he would participate in the NATO Chess Championship 2020 for the first time as a Lifetime Member.
The funeral service will take place in intimate circles on Saturday May 2nd 2020 at 1100Hr.
If you wish to follow this online (https://www.commeyne.be/streaming), you can obtain the password for streaming from the Belgian representative of the International Military Chess Committee.
We wish everyone a lot of strength in the loss of Ben as a colleague, friend, chess partner, artist, ...
We hope you can find comfort in the wonderful memories we have of him.