The participation of several chess players from Lille Métropole Chess in the
Rapid & Blitz Tournament "Bosgenot" 2023 convinced Belgian Military Chess Club vzw to make the
3ème Open International de Blitz du Lille Métropole Chess a club activity.
Ultimately, six members accepted the proposal to participate for free
and thus strengthen the association's bond with the (international) chess world.
At the end of this first official club activity, all participants of Belgian Military Chess Club vzw could look back on a fun chess
afternoon with great results.
Now we just hope that a few of the 223 attendees will also travel to Roeselare in December…
78. Jan LONDERS (6/11)
84. Kimball ROSSEEL (6/11)
103. Marc Kocur (5,5/11)
107. Kris Steen (5,5/11)
112. Quinten Cobert (5,5/11)
168. Lennert ROSSEEL (4,5/11)